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About Us
WorkOne Northern Indiana provides employment information, skill assessments, job search assistance, resume writing, and career counseling.
We can give you access to computers, printers, copiers, and other tools you need in your job search process.
WorkOne also offers workshops, job training programs, tuition scholarships, and special services for veterans, older workers, and workers with disabilities.
A state call center can provide assistance with unemployment issues, including claims and benefits. Unemployment benefit applications must be completed online and persons without computer access may apply at their local WorkOne Center.

The Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires Workforce Development Boards (WDB), in partnership with the local chief elected official, to develop and submit a comprehensive four-year local plan to the state for approval.
The plan must address current and future strategies and efficiencies to advance the continuing modernization of the workforce system and the creation of a customer-centered system.
The Northern Indiana Workforce Board (NIWB) oversees workforce development activities in a five-county region in Northern Indiana, delivered in the American Job Centers branded in Indiana as "WorkOne“. Region 2 - WorkOne Offices are located in Elkhart, Fulton, Kosciusko, Marshall and St. Joseph Counties.
NIWB determined that job placement was the most impactful metric for our communities that we could pursue for Adults, Dislocated Workers and Youth.
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