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Even with .9% unemployment, WorkOne hosts another successful job fair.

Thank you WSBT - Click Here for WSBT News Article on the Job Fair

The Community Job Fair at the Engineering Technology and Innovation (ETI) Building, held on April 5th had 23 of the 25 employers signed up present. The event was for 3 hours, late morning start. During that time we had 34 jobseekers through the doors. Not a high number but the employers stated the candidates were of high caliber. There was a good cross section of employers from most industries (Manufacturing, Finance, Customer Service, Health Care and Local/ Government Agencies).

A few employers were disappointed in the turnout which we discussed the .9% unemployment in Elkhart and our strategy going forward to source job seekers.

On a side note most of the employers were not aware of the ETI building and all of the programs which are available for their workforce.

Thank you to the employers and Job Seekers that attended.

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